About the project

Earth’s web of life—often referred to as “the environment”—forms the foundation of human well-being. When the environment is degraded through habitat loss, toxic pollution, global warming, and other threats, human health and livelihoods suffer. Recognizing this inextricable link between human and nonhuman well-being, states around the world have enshrined the right to a healthy environment (R2HE) in their constitutions, laws, and judicial rulings. In 2023, the UN General Assembly formally recognized R2HE as an international human right.

The widespread recognition of R2HE serves as a powerful tool for protecting environmental health. This recognition has already spurred action, with legislation and judicial rulings worldwide offering valuable examples of how to define and implement this critical right.

In response, the Earth Rights Research & Action (TERRA) Program at NYU Law, in collaboration with the UN Environment Programme, has launched the NYU R2HE Toolkit. By illuminating the breadth of judicial and legislative practices related to R2HE, this Toolkit supports its substantive development and practical implementation.

The Toolkit provides the first-ever database of global R2HE recognition and case law analysis. It offers insights into key legal rulings and other forms of R2HE recognition across jurisdictions, compiles country-specific profiles, and highlights cross-cutting approaches and practices used worldwide. Additionally, it makes available expert reports and articles that explore the right’s scope, content, and real-world applications. Ultimately, the Toolkit seeks to accelerate learning and action across jurisdictions, maximizing R2HE’s impact for communities, governments, and ecosystems worldwide.

We encourage submissions for the Toolkit. To submit a case or recommendation, contact us at r2he@nyu.edu.